Hi, I’m Mark.
Nice to meet you.
I was born and raised in Montreal and moved to Ottawa in the early 1980’s with my parents. I attended Carleton University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Film Studies and then a Master’s Degree in Canadian Studies. Before leaving Ottawa, I worked with a few local film and animation companies and was the film handler/coordinator on four of the Ottawa International Animation Festivals.
A background in animation
In 1991, I moved to Vancouver and opened up an animation company with my cousin. Barking Bullfrog Cartoon Company was a ‘boutique’ studio that specialized in pre-production work for such companies as Warner Bros., MGM, Universal, Hanna Barbera and Disney. We worked on a variety of television, home video and theatrical productions including 101 DALMATIANS, BILLY THE CAT, DISNEY’S, EARTHWORM, JOHNNY BRAVO, PINK PANTHER, BATMAN, SABRINA, AN AMERICAN TAIL III, FERNGULLY II and The LAND BEFORE TIME VI, just to name a few!
Besides managing Barking Bullfrog, I was also the founder and President for six years of the Association of British Columbia Animation Producers (ABCAP). As President, I coordinated the first ever industry-wide survey of any provincial animation industry, “Frame By Frame: B.C.’s Animation Industry” and a companion study of occupational profiles. I interacted with both Provincial and Federal Ministers and government representatives on a variety of issues and successfully lobbied the B.C. government to enact provincial tax credits for the animation industry.
Some of my other work experiences include writing articles for various film and animation magazines, and teaching film and animation at college and university. I have also attained specialized certificates in computer repairs, teaching English as a second language and personal fitness training.
In 2004, I returned to Ottawa and passed the full Life Licensing Qualification Program to sell insurance and segregated fund investments, and then in 2005, I was licensed by the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) to sell home, auto and commercial insurance. In July 2006, I received my Certified Financial Planner designation and I am currently employed in an independent insurance and investment brokerage house as an in-house financial administrator and advisor.
My hobbies include photography, curling and competitive power-lifting. In 2000, I was the World Association Bench-Press and Deadlift world champion and record holder in my age and weight class lifting 479 pounds at a body weight of 144.

FinancialSource.ca CFO
Finnigan B. Esquire
(Chief Feline Officer)
Spring 2002 – May 27, 2022
Sadly on May 27, 2022,
at just over 19 years of age,
Finnigan passed away.

Cats leave paw prints in your heart,
forever and always.
He only gets to use the Windows 98 computer!

His morning break from work!

His afternoon nap!